DC Comics' classic three-part mini-series Invasion saw the DC Comics heroes fighting an evil alien alliance. Photo property of DC Comics.
This edition of Throwback Tuesday focuses on DC Comics’ classic comic crossover event: Invasion.
Invasion was the brainchild of comic legends Keith Giffen and Bill Mantlo and featured artwork from comic superstar Todd McFarlane for two issues of the mini-series while Bart Sears drew the last issue and all three covers.
The story features a group of malevolent alien races lead by the Dominators, a vicious group of yellow-skinned extraterrestrials with pointy vampire-like teeth and red circle on their forehead. Their goal: conquer Earth and wipeout the world’s greatest superheroes.
Superman, the Justice League International, the Suicide Squad and other heroes and villains were able to defeat the invading force and they left Earth. However, a renegade Dominator vengefully released a poisonous virus that destroys the metagene, which gives several superheroes their powers. Only a few brazen heroes were able to journey to the Dominators’ world to save the heroes and villains from death.
Invasion was one of the best DC Comics company wide series that delivered incredible character moments. Both writers were able to capture correctly the voices of its’ cast of hundreds including the brutish Green Lantern Guy Gardner, the villainous Dominators and even Perry White. Several high-profile scenes of master writing of verbal sparring matches between the no-nonsense Suicide Squad leader Amanda Waller and the amoral Justice League International Maxwell Lord.
In addition to the great character moments, the artwork was terrific and it was great to see Todd McFarlane’s powerful artwork in this DC Comics’ mini-series. He masterfully drew each superhero, villain, alien and battlefield that was featured throughout the three-part series. While McFarlane left the series after the second issue, Bart Sears was able to finish with strong pencils and artwork.
Final Thoughts and Grade: Invasion is one of the best post-Crisis company crossovers because of its’ artwork and brilliant storytelling. A-