Jake’s Take Podcast Episode 11-Live Forward’s Trenton Brown

Live Forward founder Trenton Brown is the latest guest on The Jake’s Take with Jacob Elyachar Podcast. (Photo courtesy of Trenton Brown)

By: Jacob Elyachar, jakes-take.com

It is a pleasure to welcome Live Forward founder Trenton Brown to The Jake’s Take with Jacob Elyachar Podcast. 

Live Forward is a movement that addresses strengthening mentality. Trenton Brown hopes that his audience can learn techniques and have tools to address three essential life skills. Those skills are dating, creating meaningful and lasting relationships, and developing healthy lifestyles.

Through the Live Forward YouTube channel, Trenton Brown tackles topics such as people-pleasing, recognizing toxic relationships, and gambling addiction. He also shares fitness advice such as improving on your running to tackling CrossFit’s 12 Days of Christmas workout. He also tackled food challenges such as eating 10,000 calories and the Paqui One Chip Challenge.

In this episode of The Jake’s Take with Jacob Elyachar Podcast, Trenton Brown talked about some of his notable YouTube videos, including his conversation with Caffeine Man in Providence, Rhode Island, and why he shared his past gambling addiction with his audience. He also revealed his dream collaborators.


For more information about Trenton Brown and Live Forward Now, head over to their website.

You can connect with Trenton on social media. Visit his Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube channels.

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Copyright 2020 Jacob Elyachar