DC Comics will celebrate Batman’s 75th Anniversary with a giant-sized “Detective Comics #27” and a new weekly series! (Artwork property of DC Comics)
By: Jacob Elyachar, jakes-take.com
If you missed part three of my series, click here: https://jakes-take.com/2014/01/whats-coming-in-2014-movies/
2014 will be a huge year for both DC and Marvel Comics! From potential new series and returns of beloved characters, 2014 might be the biggest year in comic book history.
Batman turns 75!
The Caped Crusader is celebrating his 75th anniversary this year! To kick off…the Year of the Bat, DC Comics will release Detective Comics #27. Even though this monster issue will be $7.99, it will be well worth it! Paul Dini, Peter J. Tomasi, Brad Meltzer and Frank Miller are among the VICs (Very Important Creators) that will be providing new material in honor of this special occasion!
Batman: Eternal
One of the biggest birthday gifts for fans will be a weekly Batman series called Batman: Eternal. Batman writer Scott Snyder will team up with James Tynion IV, John Layman, Ray Fawkes and Tim Seeley to produce a series dedicated to the Caped Crusader and his allies! Fan-favorite Stephanie Brown is expected to make her return to the Batman mythos in this series.
How will a divided X-Men team deal with a world with no humans? (Artwork by Salvador Larroca & Property of Marvel Comics)
Marvel releases new OGNs
The House of Ideas will release two original graphic novels this year. Both OGNs will focus on two iconic Marvel characters! The first will feature last year’s big bad Thanos! He will be reunited with his creator Jim Starlin with Cam Smith and Frank D’Armenta providing art assists. Meanwhile, two veteran X-Men creators, Mike Carey and Salvador Larroca return to the Children of the Atom for a 128-page new story: X-Men: No More Humans in May!
The Return of Peter Parker
With a new motion picture coming out in May, it seems time for Peter Parker to reclaim his body from his arch-rival: Doctor Octopus! But when will it happen? How will the truth be revealed? What repercussions from the body switch will Peter face from his family and friends at the end of Superior Spider-Man? Only Dan Slott and the Superior Spider-Man editorial team know the answers!
What will the cost of victory be for Lex Luthor and his band of anti-heroes and villains if they overthrow the Crime Syndicate? (Artwork by David Finch; Property of DC Comics)
“Forever Evil” aftermath
When Forever Evil ends in April, the New DCU will be changed forever! If Lex Luthor and his band of misfits are able to defeat the Crime Syndicate, how will this victory change the DC Universe’s balance of power? What will become of Nightwing? Which characters will get new ongoing series? Fans will have to keep reading the mini-series to find out!
Agent Venom and Captain Marvel will join “Guardians of the Galaxy” this May! (Artwork property of Marvel Comics)
2014: the Year of the Guardians
The Guardians of the Galaxy will be the superhero group to watch for this year! In addition to their highly anticipated motion picture, the group will face with the classic Stan Lee-Jack Kirby X-Men line-up with “The Trial of Jean Grey” and add new team members Captain Marvel and Agent Venom in this year’s Free Comic Book Day issue.