TeenFit CEO Dylan Dreiling is “Jake’s Take’s” first guest blogger! (Photo courtesy of Dylan Dreiling)
By: Dylan Dreiling, Guest Blogger
Publisher’s Note: I am very honored to introduce you to Jake’s Take’s very first guest blogger!
My friend, Dylan Dreiling, is the 17-year-old CEO of TeenFit, a non-profit organization that specializes in improving the lives of teenagers. In addition to his work at TeenFit, he is also a lead contributor for another organization called The Garden of H.O.P.E., in addition to that, he runs his own international health and wellness business and has begun writing his first book.
Sitting in the tall grass on a nice summer’s day, I contemplate the piece of advice I’d most like to give to the readers. “What do people struggle with most?”
I ask to myself while playing with my pencil and zoning off into the distance. Truth be told, the answer was obvious, for it was the one thing that I had struggled with most of all in my short 17 years on this Earth.
Quite frankly, the subject of this article is… Purpose. “What is my life’s purpose?” a question echoed through the minds of every human being at some point or another. Yet, so many seem to miss the mark. So many people end up walking through life with their only purpose being to survive! How crazy is that??? What happened to that unconditional joy that was so prevalent during our youth? In our society, it’s nearly disappeared.
And that’s because (like I said earlier) people ignore that fire in their hearts. In the name of reason and practicality they throw away their dreams and go for the path to normality.
I am here to question that state of mind. For why do you think the original desire was in their hearts to begin with? Why do you think that, whatever it may be, YOUR greatest desires were burning within YOU to begin with? “Who? Me?” you may ask. Yes, YOU! Perhaps you are already following your dreams, maybe not.
But, I am here to help you take yourself to the next level! Because no matter where you are in life, you can always grow. And… oops, did you notice that? I have just given away the secret to finding your true path in life. Can you spot it? The fact of the matter is, if you are always looking to grow and be better today than you were tomorrow, you’ll find that joy.
That is because it is only when you’re not moving, not flowing, that you lose yourself. Also, be brave. Be bold. And do not be afraid to go out of your comfort zone! You’ll be glad you did.
You can learn more about TeenFit by visiting itswebsite and connect with them on their Facebook & Twitter pages!