Will Zelena’s plans to fight the Black Fairy test her relationship with Regina? (Photo property of ABC)
By: Jacob Elyachar, jakes-take.com
The Black Fairy is in Storybrooke.
Rumple’s mom and Gideon’s grandmother has already made her unwelcome presence known throughout the town. From controlling Gideon’s heart to revealing to Emma that she created the dark curse that started all this madness, the Black Fairy is looking to create a war that would threaten every realm and has plans to kickstart the war in Storybrooke.
One woman that has eyes on stopping the Black Fairy is Zelena. The Wicked Witch of the West wants to prove to the Black Fairy that “wicked always wins” by driving out the greatest evil that our heroes have ever encountered. Can Regina convince the Charmings, Emma, and Hook to put wedding plans on hold to help her wicked sister? Or was Zelena in over her head? Read on to find out.
Zelena received an unpleasant visitor in her home: The Black Fairy. It turned out that the Black Fairy whisked Baby Robin from her crib and held her in her arms. The furious Wicked Witch grabbed her daughter from the Black Fairy’s arms and vowed that if the Black Fairy ever laid another hand on Robin, she would lose her hand. The Black Fairy wanted to form an alliance with Zelena. However, Cora’s eldest daughter laughed the proposal off. The Black Fairy persisted and stated that she would need to lean on someone as the Final Battle between good and evil approaches. Zelena boldly declared that she was not afraid of Rumple’s mother, but the malicious woman replied: “Oh, but you should be!”
Zelena told the heroes about the Black Fairy’s visit and vowed to wipe her out. However, Regina refused to let her sister face the Fairy alone. As the Wicked Witch left, Gold told Belle that the Black Fairy was pulling Gideon’s strings. After her husband had left, Zelena visited Belle and asked her to watch Baby Robin. Regina found Baby Robin with Belle, and she immediately hightailed it to the Dwarves’ tunnels. Regina caught her sister just before facing the Black Fairy. Zelena stated that she was tired of being blamed for Robin’s death and she also sacrificed Hades. Just as Zelena came to the realization that she would never sit at the heroes’ table, the Dwarves’ tunnels collapsed.
At Granny’s, the Charmings were discussing Emma and Hook’s upcoming nuptials. Hook wanted to be romantic and wanted to get married on the sea; Henry countered that half of their guests might get seasick on board the Jolly Roger. Snow kept pushing Granny’s as the site for the wedding, but David was not feeling it and stated that some moments that they spent at Granny’s were unpleasant. He also added that Emma’s wedding is going to be a royal affair and needed a bigger venue.
Meanwhile, Regina and Zelena continued to bicker in the Dwarves’ tunnels. They found Gideon and the Black Fairy. As Gideon kept Regina at bay, Zelena ran after the nasty fairy. The Black Fairy walked the Wicked Witch into a giant trap. It turned out that the Black Fairy was immune to Zelena’s magic and wanted to use Zelena’s unstable magic to bring on the final battle. After she knocked out both sisters and transported both of them out of the Dwarves Tunnel, Regina demanded that her sister go back to Oz and not to bother her again.
As Regina left her sister in the dust, Snow and David had a massive fight regarding Emma’s wedding. David revealed to Snow that he wanted to give Emma—a real wedding day without Gideon and the Black Fairy’s interference. Emma and Hook agreed with David and wanted to wait to have the wedding day they wanted.
Zelena retrieved Baby Robin and used Regina’s crystal to summon the tornado that would get them back to Oz. However, Zelena changed her mind and went to the heroes to apologize for her actions. The Wicked Witch also revealed that she would also sacrifice her magic to defeat the Black Fairy. With Emma and Regina as witnesses, Zelena drained her magic, and the crystals returned to normal.
The trio visited Gold and Belle to wake up the Blue Fairy. As the heroes began to watch the Blue Fairy come back to life, the Black Fairy revealed to her grandson that the Blue Fairy knows her darkest secret that Gold should never know.
Next week, the Gold family faces off as the Black Fairy reveals why she abandoned Rumple as a child.