What’s Coming in 2013: T.V.

The Charmings and Regina Once Upon A Time

By: Jacob Elyachar If you had not had the chance to read part one of my “What’s Coming” series, click here: https://jakes-take.com/2013/01/whats-coming-in-2013-comics/ Today’s edition of What’s Coming focuses on the world of television and what … [Continue reading]

A Conversation with Host/Songwriter Josh Skinner

withjosh.com Josh Skinner layout

By: Jacob Elyachar It is always a pleasure to interview Host and songwriter Josh Skinner. He had a memorable 2012 that included his memorable interviews with GloZell, the Queen of YouTube and CeWEBrity Pop Star Blare Levoir and found success … [Continue reading]

What’s Coming in 2013: Comics

Superior Spider-Man first issue cover

By: Jacob Elyachar Happy New Year Everyone! To kick off 2013 on the right foot, I am starting the year out with a brand new preview series: What’s Coming!  This four-part series will highlight the things that you should keep an ear or an eye … [Continue reading]

The 10 Best Movies of 2012

By: Jacob Elyachar and guest commentator Lauren Cohen Are you tired of partying on New Years’ Eve? If you answered yes to that question, then you should try catching one of these amazing movies that took the Box Office and moviegoers by … [Continue reading]

The 20 Best Reality T.V. Performances of 2012: Part Two

Jonathan and Charlotte

By: Jacob Elyachar If you have not had the chance at reading part one of my series, click here: https://jakes-take.com/2012/12/the-20-best-reality-t-v-performances-of-2012-part-one/ This is it! Here are the 10 Best Reality T.V. Performances … [Continue reading]

The 20 Best Reality T.V. Performances of 2012: Part One

Andrew De Leon AGT 2012

By: Jacob Elyachar In the final two days of 2012, many people will be reminiscing over the best that this year had to offer. I will be counting down the 20 best performances from competitive singing competition shows.   For the first time ever, … [Continue reading]

A Conversation with Coffee Lunch Coffee author Alana Muller

Alana Muler Coffee Lunch Coffee

By: Jacob Elyachar Recently, I introduced you to author Alana Muller in my first installment of the 5 Questions series. Alana is an impeccable master of networking and has shared her strategies for networking success in her debut book: Coffee … [Continue reading]

The Best Albums of 2012

Black Oxygen the American Dream

By: Jacob Elyachar Out of all of the albums that were released this year, there were only 12 records that made my Best Albums of 2012 list. The albums that I selected showcased impressive musicianship, strong vocal performances and amazing … [Continue reading]

Stan Lee turns 90!

Stan Lee 90th Birthday

By: Jacob Elyachar Do you know these characters? Spider-Man, Daredevil, Iron Man, the Incredible Hulk, the Fantastic Four, the X-Men and the Avengers These iconic superheroes would not have seen the light of day if it were not for the … [Continue reading]

Jacob Reviews….Amazing Spider-Man #700

Amazing Spider-Man 700 final issue

By: Jacob Elyachar Warning! Major spoilers ahead! Four issues ago, a dying Doctor Octopus did the unthinkable and swapped minds with his legendary adversary: the Amazing Spider-Man. Trapped inside his longtime opponent’s decaying body, Peter … [Continue reading]

Copyright 2020 Jacob Elyachar