Could Ray Palmer (Brandon Routh)’s return threaten Felicity’s relationship with Oliver? (Photo property of the CW’s Cate Cameron)
By: Jacob Elyachar,
Ray Palmer is alive!
The scientist and founder of Palmer Technologies has returned to the land of the living. Over the past few episodes, he had been trying to communicate with his love (and future Mrs. Oliver Queen) Felicity Smoak cryptically as the shrinking entrepreneur has been captured by evil forces.
Did Team Arrow save him? Read on to find out!
As Oliver and Thea were planning the next chapter in Ollie’s mayoral campaign, Alex tried to put the moves on Thea, but she was not having any of it. Meanwhile, Felicity became obsessive with trying to find Ray and she roped Oliver in her quest to rescue Ray. The couple was able to finally reach Ray and he revealed how much danger he was in.
While Dahrk confronted Palmer and threatened Felicity, Oliver confronted his girlfriend about becoming cold. The cracks in Olicity began to show as she was guilty over putting Ray in this situation and she lost herself in her relationship with Oliver. Green Arrow vented to Diggle about his Felicity situation, but his Man Friday revealed that Felicity chose him over Ray and that she would come around.
Captain Lance met with Dahrk who asked for help dealing with magic and Sara. As the Good Captain told Diggle—Dahrk’s location, Felicity talked to her mother about her relationship and her worries about losing herself in the relationship. Donna advised her daughter to not ruin her relationship with Oliver before she headed into Team Arrow headquarters.
With Ray safely back with Team Arrow, the team revealed more information about Dahrk and the scientist also asked Felicity to remain CEO of Palmer Technologies until he is ready to return to the Public Eye. While the team regained a new ally, Sara decided to leave Star City so she could learn how to control her bloodlust. While Oliver and Felicity also cleared the air, Donna met Captain Lance over drinks at a Star City bar.
Next week, Diggle goes after Dahrk!