By: Jacob Elyachar, It is a privilege to welcome author Sia-Lanu Estrella to The Jake’s Take with Jacob Elyachar Podcast. Sia-Lanu’s journey of leaving behind a high-stress corporate career to embrace holistic healing has informed her unique perspective and empowered her to help thousands worldwide. She is the author of a trio of books […]
Jake’s Take Podcast: Brandon Lance Garnsey
Producer’s Note: This conversation took place before TikTok resumed operations in the United States following President-Elect Trump’s decision to delay the ban on the China-based social media app. By: Jacob Elyachar, It is a privilege to welcome entertainment journalist and pop culture commentator Brandon Lance Garnsey to The Jake’s Take with Jacob Elyachar Podcast. […]
Jake’s Take’s Podcast: Brandon Farris
By: Jacob Elyachar, It is a pleasure to welcome comedian and content creator Brandon Farris to The Jake’s Take with Jacob Elyachar Podcast. Born in Ohio and raised in Arkansas, Brandon moved to Los Angeles in his 20s to pursue acting. During that time, he was homeless and living in his car when he began […]