By: Jacob Elyachar, Ray Palmer is alive! The scientist and founder of Palmer Technologies has returned to the land of the living. Over the past few episodes, he had been trying to communicate with his love (and future Mrs. Oliver Queen) Felicity Smoak cryptically as the shrinking entrepreneur has been captured by evil forces. […]
Home » Ray Palmer Returns to ARROW
Ray Palmer Returns to ARROW
November 11, 2015 By Jacob Elyachar
Filed Under: Television Tagged With: Arrow Season Four recaps, Arrow Season Four spoilers, Damian Dahrk vs. Ray Palmer, Donna Smoak and Oliver Queen, Donna Smoak returns to Arrow, Jacob Elyachar Arrow recaps, Olicity Arrow, Oliver Queen for Mayor Arrow, Ray Palmer and Damian Dahrk, Ray Palmer and Felicity Smoak Arrow, Ray Palmer Arrow, Ray Palmer Brandon Routh, Ray Palmer Returns to ARROW, Team Arrow