By: Jacob Elyachar, The Blind Auditions are over! Adam Levine, Blake Shelton, Pharrell Williams and Gwen Stefani have found 48 artists that are worthy to inherit Tessanne Chin, Josh Kaufman, Craig Wayne Boyd and Sawyer … [Continue reading]
Captain Swan’s love is put to test on “OUAT”
By: Jacob Elyachar, Emma Swan’s turn to the dark side has turned the whole Once Upon a Time dynamic on its head. Several Storybrooke residents are utterly horrified that the Charmings and the heroes would be unsuccessful in … [Continue reading]
Jake’s Take On….The 2015 New York Comic Con (Friday)
By: Jacob Elyachar, In all honesty, I always look forward to Fridays at the New York Comic Con (NYCC). The reason why…this day always has some of my favorite panels! If you are heading back to the Jacob K. Javits Convention … [Continue reading]
Jake’s Take On….The 2015 New York Comic Con (Thursday)
By: Jacob Elyachar, The 2015 New York Comic Con (NYCC) is here! For all of the hundreds of thousands of pop culture aficionados, the Jacob J. Javits Convention Center is going to be one happening place. While I will be … [Continue reading]
Team Arrow reunites for “Arrow: Season Four” Premiere
By: Jacob Elyachar, Arrow returned to the CW airwaves with a big bang! After Ra’s Al Ghul almost wiped out Star (formerly Starling) City with a deadly virus, Oliver decided to make a retreat from Team Arrow. He gave one of his … [Continue reading]
“The Voice: Season Nine” Blind Auditions conclude!
By: Jacob Elyachar, This is it, Voice fans! Tonight was the final Blind Auditions for Season Nine. Before we digest tonight’s episode, here is a brief recap of where our teams stand: Adam Levine: Keith Simple, Jordan … [Continue reading]
Regina steps up on “Once Upon A Time”
By: Jacob Elyachar, Last week, Once Upon A Time unleashed the Dark Swan! Our heroes were able to track down the new Dark One before she was able to add Brave’s Princess Merida to her body count. The reunited Charming family and … [Continue reading]
Artists step up on night four of “The Voice: Season Nine” auditions
By: Jacob Elyachar, Last night, several contestants put a ring on The Voice during night three of the Blind Auditions. After a successful rendition of “Seven Bridges Road” that caught the attention of both their future coach, … [Continue reading]